Monday, 18 April 2011

Leo Barraclough: Varndean and academies

A number of parents have asked me to set out my views on whether I think Varndean School should apply for academy status.
They are as follows:
-- I do not believe that academy status would be beneficial for the school, its staff, the students and their parents, nor for the wider community of Brighton and Hove.
-- I believe the school, and other successful schools like it, would do better to stay within the local education authority.
So, should the proposal be made, I will oppose it.
If we enter a consultative period, I will propose that we have a ballot of all parents, and that the views of parents of those children who may wish to come to the school in the future should be considered too.
With regards to the minutes of the recent full governors meeting, I have informed my fellow governors that I wish them to be published in full immediately.
As the Labour Party states in its manifesto for Brighton and Hove, while we do accept that academy status with real additional resources and fresh thinking could be a way to revive a failing school, we do not agree with the coalition government's approach of virtually forcing all successful schools to become academies, while LEAs are dismantled and other schools are under funded in order to pay for the socially divisive 'free schools'.
Leo Barraclough, parent governor, Varndean School; governor in charge of liaison with the parents' association, Varndean Links; deputy chair of the Student Management committee at Varndean; Labour Party candidate for Hanover and Elm Grove ward, Brighton.
18 April 2011

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